Giovedì, 12 Gennaio 2023
January 2023 - Online training
Online training organized by European People on behalf of TOUR4EU – Tuscan Organisation of Universities and Research for Europe within the H2020 EuComMeet project.
Registration form:
The course is targeted at selected members of the academic and scientific community in Europe. Guiding attendees through practical ways in which they can effectively disseminate research outputs in social sciences to wider audiences, the course will provide useful communication knowledge through four dedicated online sessions:
1) 10 January 2023 14:00 – 15:30
- The Open Research Europe Platform: how to use, explore and make the most of it
2) 17 January 2023 14:00 – 15:30
- Digital Communication and social media for science and academia
3) 24 January 2023 14:00 – 15:30
- Storytelling for science, policy and academia
4) 31 January 2023 14:00 – 15:30
- Impact assessment and evaluation for your communication activities
Trainer: Prof. Marco Ricorda