Cari studenti e care studentesse, a causa delle misure restrittive adottate dal Governo per l’emergenza Covid19, molti di voi stanno incontrando difficoltà nel portare a termine le attività formative (stage e tirocini) previsti nei vostri piani di studio. Con l’obiettivo di fornire delle alternative vi segnaliamo la possibilità di registravi ed iscrivervi ad alcune attività di Interactive OpenOnline Courses che vengono offerti nell’ambito del progetto Erasmus Plus Virtual Mobility Exchange, cui il nostro Ateneo ha recentemente aderito. Si tratta di attività formative con un focus sull’acquisizione di competenze interculturali che ben si adattano all’esigenza di rafforzare le competenze trasversali. Le attività dei corsi offerti hanno un valore di 3 ECTS/CFU.
In ogni caso l’approvazione di tali attività è subordinata alla delibera del Comitato della didattica dei vostri corsi di studio.
Di seguito l’elenco dei corsi offerti nelle prossimi settimane:
13 April - 7 May | 4 weeks | English, Arabic
This 4-week interactive course is of specific interest to any young person curious about how to make a positive social change or understand more about conflict and peace; whether you are a student, a volunteer or a young professional. Based on expert content developed jointly by UNOY and Search for Common Ground, participants will be introduced to core concepts of peace and security while exchanging ideas and perspectives with peers on the roles and power of young people to transform conflict.
English registration link & Arabic registration link Deadline April 5
18 May - 19 June | 5 weeks | English
A 5-week interactive course where participants learn about and discuss current challenges posed by hate speech in their communities and societies at large. Not only do participants engage in dialogue about the topic and get access to expert video lectures, but they also collaboratively work towards creating a campaign to counter hate speech in various forms. This makes ‘Countering Hate Speech’ an action-oriented course where participants are inspired, share knowledge and learn from each other.
Registration link Deadline May 4
Sustainable Food Systems: A Mediterranean Perspective
25 May - 24 June | 5 weeks | English
5-week interactive, online course based on expert video lectures by academics and practitioners; addressing the challenges and opportunities of the agricultural sector with a focus on the Mediterranean. Topics that participants from both sides of Mediterranean will explore together include global-to-local challenges related to Sustainable Development Goals; history and culture of agriculture in the Mediterranean; and EU policy.
Registration link Deadline May 17
April & June & August | 2 weeks each | English, French, Arabic
These 2-week introductory Erasmus+ Virtual Exchanges recur every two months to discuss a specific topic. With an estimated weekly investment of 2.5 hours (2 hour live session + 30 minutes for asynchronous engagement), this activity is an ideal 'taster' to get youth and educators familiar with virtual exchange, or for participants unable to commit to the longer courses. "Social Circles" are offered in three different languages: English, French and Arabic.