"Automatizzare la società"

Lunedì, 11 Gennaio 2021
Seminario del corso Big data, media digitali e società

Giovedì 14 gennaio 2021 ore 10:15 – 11:45

Su Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/fyo-twsq-wwr


"Automatizzare la società" (ospite Fabio Chiusi)


Il seminario fa parte del corso in Big Data, media digitali e società del prof. Tiziano Bonini, corso di laurea in Scienze della Comunicazione.


Fabio Chiusi, noto giornalista esperto di tecnologie digitali e società, presenterà il report 2020 sull'impatto dei software di intelligenza artificiale che ha contribuito a stendere insieme alla ONG Algorithmic Watch.


Fabio Chiusi is Project Manager at AlgorithmWatch for the 2020 edition of the Automating Society report. After a decade in tech reporting, he worked as a consultant and assistant researcher in data and politics (Tactical Tech), and AI in journalism (Polis LSE). He coordinated the ‘Persuasori Social’ report on regulating political campaigns on social media for the PuntoZero Project, and worked as a tech-policy staffer within the Chamber of Deputies of the Italian Parliament during the current legislation. A Fellow at the Nexa Center for Internet & Society in Turin, he is Adjunct Professor at the University of San Marino, teaching ‘Journalism and New Media’ and ‘Publishing and digital media’. He is the author of several essays on technology and society, the latest being ‘Io non sono qui. Visioni e inquietudini da un futuro presente’ (DeA Planeta, 2018), that is currently being translated into Polish and Chinese. He writes as a tech-policy reporter at the collective blog ValigiaBlu.

Twitter: @fabiochiusi