Francesco Farina is Professor of Economics at Siena University, where he has held a teaching position since 1988-89. His teaching duties are: "International Economic Policy" and "Growth Economics" (Laurea Magistrale). He also teaches the Course of "International Economics" at Luiss G.Carli, Rome (Laurea Magistrale), and the Course of “Fiscal Policy” in the PhD School of Economics of University of Rome-La Sapienza.
- He got his first University Degree in Political Science "Cum Laude" in 1969 and after a Two-Years Course got a M.Sc. in Economics in 1972 at the University of Naples. He has been doing research work with CNR Scholarships at Fondazione Einaudi (Turin) and at the London School of Economics and Political Science in 1974-77, and has been subsequently teaching in Italy, at University of Perugia and at the University of Naples L'Orientale, Naples and abroad at the Faculty of Economics, Toronto University.
- He has been Visiting Scholar at Harvard University, Jagellonian University, the School of Economic and Social Studies at University of East Anglia (Norwich), the Faculty of Economics in Cambridge (UK), and the Chaire Hoover d’Ethique Economique et Sociale of the Catholic University of Louvain.
- He was assigned by the European Commission the Jean Monnet Chair in European Macroeconomics at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Siena.
- He is the Director of the Inter-University Research Center on the Welfare State (Universities of Milan-Bocconi, Rome-La Sapienza, and Siena)
- He is a member of the Board of the Experimental Economics Laboratory of the University of Siena.
- He is a referee for European Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Common Market Studies, Fiscal Studies, Journal of Macroeconomics, Economic Notes, Recherches Economique de Louvain ,Regional Studies, Metroeconomica, Rivista di Politica Economica.
- FARINA F. (2012) “Current account imbalances and systemic risk in a monetary union”(with E.Croci Angelini), JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR & ORGANIZATION, Vol. 83, pp. 647–656.
- F. FARINA (2012) “Growth under strain in the European Union”, in L.Punzo, C.Feijo, and M.Puchet Anyul (eds.), Beyond the Global Crisis: Structural Adjustments and Regional Integration in Europe and Latin America, Routledge, London, 2012.
- FARINA F. (2011) "Real Divergence across Europe and the Limits of EMU Macroeconomic Governance" (with E.Croci Angelini), in Della Posta P. and L.S.Talani (eds.), Europe and the Financial Crisis, Palgrave, London.
- FARINA F. (2009) "'Suit the action to the word, the word to the action' : Eliciting Motives for Trust and Reciprocity by Attitudinal and Behavioural Measures" (with N.O’Higgins and P.Sbriglia). RESEARCH IN ECONOMICS, vol. 63, pp. 116-138
- FARINA F. (2009). “Innovation and Wage Polarisation in European Industries” (with E.Croci Angelini and M.Pianta). INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF APPLIED ECONOMICS, vol. 3
- FARINA F. (2008). “Conditional cooperation in a sequential move game” (with P.Sbriglia), INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF ECONOMICS, vol. 55.
- FARINA F. (2008) “Testing the fiscal theory of the price level for European countries: a cointegrated VAR approach" (with R.Ricciuti). In: FARINA F., R. TAMBORINI EDS.. Macroeconomic Policy in the European Monetary Union. London:Routledge
- FARINA F. (2008) “Introduction" (with R.Tamborini). In: FARINA F., R. TAMBORINI EDS.. Macroeconomic Policy in the European Monetary Union. London:Routledge
- FARINA F (2008). “Technological choices under institutional constraints: measuring the impact of earnings dispersion” (with E.Croci Angelini), in: BETTI G., A. LEMMI EDS.. Advances in Income Inequality and Concentration Measures, Routledge, London.
- FARINA F. (2008). “Cooperation as self-interested reciprocity in the Centipede” (with P.Sbriglia). In: INNOCENTI A. , P. SBRIGLIA EDS.. Games, Rationality and Behavior. Essays in Behavioral Game Theory and Experiments. London:Palgrave Macmillan.
- FARINA F. (2007) “Fiscal policy in Europe and the stability and growth pact” (with R.Ricciuti). ECONOMICA, vol. 9, pp 18-32.
- FARINA F (2007) “Wage Inequality in Europe: The Role of labour market and welfare institutions” (with E.Croci Angelini), In: N.ACOCELLA, R. LEONI EDS.. Social Pacts, Employment, and Growth, vol. 1, p. 195-217, BERLIN:Physica-Verlag
- FARINA F (2007). Macroeconomia dell'Unione Europea (with E.Croci Angelini), Carocci editore, Roma