Curriculum vitae

I obtained my Bachelor Degree in Philosophy at the "Federico II" University of Naples, and my Master Degree in Philosophy at the "Sapienza" University of Rome. I did my PhD at the Aix-Marseille University (under the supervision of Gabriella Crocco) and at the "Sapienza" University of Rome (under the supervision of Cesare Cozzo) - with a grant provided by the A*MIDEX Excellence Initiative. My doctoral dissertation was about Prawitz's epistemic grounding. During the PhD I taught Logic at the Department of Philosophy of the Aix-Marseille University.

After the PhD, while keeping these Logic courses, I also taught History and Philosophy of Science, Logic, Set-Theory and Philosophy of Mathematics at the Department of Science of the Aix-Marseille University.

From Septermber 2022 to July 2023 I have been post-Doc researcher at the Department of Logic of the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences, within the project "Meaningful formalism. A philosophy of mathematics for type theory". I took part in several conferences, workshops and congresses (see my personal web-page for more info:

  • Are proof objects or acts? A comparison of Prawitz's and Sundholm's semantics, in A. Klev (ed), The architecture and archaeology of modern logic. Studies dedicated to Göran Sundholm, Springer
  • The proof-theoretic square, in Synthese,
  • Prawitz's epistemic grounding. An investigation into the power of deduction, Synthese Series, Springer,
  • Four constructivist attitudes in Prawitzian semantics, in I. Sedlar (ed), The Logica Yeabook 2022, College Publications
  • A note on Ecthemendy's and Prawitz's reduction principle for the Tarskian and model-theoretic concept of consequence, in Theoria,
  • with F. Montesi, Prawitz's semantics and Walton's argument schemes: a tentative reading and application of Kreisel's informal rigour, in P. Cantù, B. Halimi, G. Heinzmann, F. Patras (eds), Objectivity in mathematics, Noesis, 37
  • with D. Catta, Game of grounds, in G. Oliveri, S. Boscolo and C. Ternullo (eds), Objects, structures and logics, Boston studies in the philosophy and history of science, Springer,
  • Calculi of epistemic grounding based on Prawitz's theory of grounds, in Studia Logica,
  • La controversia sulla Lehre di Semmelweis: un case-study in sociologia delle controversie scientifiche, in Mefisto. Rivista di Medicina, Filosofia e Storia
  • Denotational semantics for languages of epistemic grounding based on Prawitz's theory of grounds, in Studia Logica,
  • Proofs, grounds and empty functions: epistemic compulsion in Prawitz's semantics, in Journal of philosophical logic,
  • with G. Crocco, Introduction: Inferences and proofs, in G. Crocco and A. Piccolomini d'Aragona (eds), Inferences and proofs, special issue of TOPOI,
  • Dag Prawitz on proofs, operations and grounding, in G. Crocco and A. Piccolomini d'Aragona (eds), Inferences and proofs, special issue of TOPOI,
  • A partial calculus for Dag Prawitz's theory of grounds and a decidability issue, in A. Christian, D. Hommen, N. Retzlaff and G. Schurz (eds), Philosophy of science - Between natural science, social science and the humanities, European studies in philosophy of science 9, Springer,
  • Riconoscibilità nelle semantiche di Dag Prawitz, in M. Cruciani et al. (eds), Apprendimento, Cognizione e Tecnologia. Atti del convegno AISC Mid-term 2016, ISBN-9788890453984, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Napoli
  • Recognition procedures and Dag Prawitz's theory of grounds, in M. Carrara, D. Chiffi and C. De Florio (eds), How to way "Yes" and "No". Logical approaches to modes of assertion and denial, ISBN-9781326516925, Lulu Press, Inc.
  • L'opera di Gaetano Filangieri "fra empietà e sedizione", in Rassegna Storica Salernitana ns vol. 61, 2014 XXXI/1, Laveglia, Salerno, pp. 135 - 138, review to Ruggiero G, Studi Filangieriani, in Frontiera d'Europa, XVI (2013), 2



  • editor of the volume "Perspectives on deduction" for Springer's Synthese Series
  • editor with G. Crocco of the special issue "Inferences and proofs" of Topoi 38