
Ongoing Projects

Political and Social Analysis Laboratory (LAPS)

  • Project REScEU, Reconciling Economic and Social Europe ERC grant n. 340534
  • Elite survey on the EU integration process in 10 EU countries, Project EUENGAGE: grant agreement no. 649281
  • Survey “Towards the Referendum: Italians and the Constitution”


Laboratory – "Alberto M. Cirese" Audiovisual Archive

  • Reorganisation and updating of the topographic catalogue


Laboratory for Economic Historical Territorial Data (LADEST)

  • National Observatory of Italian Municipalities on Twitter COST CA25212


Experimental Economics Laboratory (LabSi)

  • Project "Informing public policy using insights from behavioural economics: an application to charitable giving"
  • Project "The Effect of Social Exposure and Virtual Reality in Prosocial Behaviour"


Interaction Design Laboratory - MindLab

  • Project Axiom FILME
  • Project Aidilab-UDOO
  • Project MPS Security


Laboratory for Experimental Linguistics and Syntactic Cartography (CISCL)

  • ERC 2013 “SynCart: Syntactic Cartography and Locality in Adult Grammar and Language Acquisition”


Laboratory for Designing Work Environments

  • Project “The silent book. Narrating yourself: inventing a story through images”
  • Research project on the cognitive and emotional aspects that come into play in the perception of vaccination campaigns


Laboratory of Robotics and Learning Technologies

  • TD COST Action TD1309 – LUDI Play for Children with Disabilities Coordinator: University of Valle d’Aosta (I) Duration: 19/05/2014 - 18/05/2018 - MIUR – Agreements - Law 113/91 D.D. 2216/Ric/01-07-2014 T4, ACPR14T4_00157-2
  • Science schools, museums, cities and businesses: a national network to promote technical and scientific culture through the didactic use of robots. Coordinator: Sant’Anna School
  • RAAK scheme managed by the Foundation Innovation Alliance with funding from the ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW), The Netherlands. Title: Social Robot in Care


Experimental Psychology Laboratory

  • Project “Prejudice, virtual social interactions and physical characteristics. Emotions, discrimination and Social Network"
  • Project "S.P.Acca – Stress and the Perception of Unethical Behaviours in the Academic Setting"


MultiMedia Communication Laboratory (MCL)

  • Territorial data processing – Estra SpA