Our Department was born from an idea and a challenge. The idea is to gather together all the scholars of the social, political and cognitive sciences of our University. The challenge is to make it a communal platform for scholars who, while developing their different disciplinary profiles, are interested in interdisciplinary work on a number of research themes, and aim to build new educational profiles for didactics and the creation of professional figures. This project is extremely innovative both for Italian traditional culture and for our University. Indeed, “transversal” Departments with strong disciplinary and methodological pluralism have rarely existed in Italy’s Universities.
The Department’s current curriculum covers all levels of University education: first and second cycle degrees, Level I and II Master’s programmes, refresher, continuing and further education courses, Postgraduate, Specialisation and Doctoral degrees. The Department’s administration is responsible for the first cycle degrees in Communication Sciences (L-20), Education (L-19) and Social Work (L-39); second cycle degrees in Anthropology and Visual Studies (LM-1), Education Sciences and Educational Consulting for Organizations (LM-85), Language and mind: linguistics and cognitive studies (LM-39), Public and cultural diplomacy (LM-81) and Communication Strategies and Techniques (LM-92); numerous Level I Master’s programmes (Business Communication. Languages, Tools, Technologies; Conflict Management and Humanitarian Action; Management and Communication for Luxury Chemical Companies CHEMALUX; Development and internationalization of small and medium-sized enterprises) and Level II Master’s programmes (Euromasters-TransAtlantic Masters); refresher and continuing courses (Social media, web marketing and digital communication and Sports organization management); Training courses for teachers; the School of Specialisation in Demo-ethno-anthropology (in collaboration with the Universities of Florence and Perugia); the PhD programmes in Learning and Innovation in Social and Work Contexts and Social Sciences and Humanities; the Summer Schools Public relations and Prevent radicalisation. Models and tools in a multidisciplinary perspective.
Our Department is decidedly international, with several faculty members participating in national and European projects and research for Foundations, local institutions and associations. The research performed at the University of Siena enjoys a high ranking. A plurality of sectors and disciplinary approaches ensures vibrant discussion of the most current themes in the social sciences.
Every institution needs people to live and grow. Our Department includes 60 faculty members, 17 administrative and technical staff, approximately 30 research fellows and more than 2000 students enrolled in the first and second cycle degree, Master’s and PhD programmes.
We hope you will find these pages useful as you learn about the interests and activities of our faculty and students. Those of you who are thinking of enrolling in one of our courses will find information on the content and strengths of our curriculum. If you are already a student, you will not only find information on courses and faculty, but also on the research activity and events organised by the Department. If you are interested in collaborating with our Department in the field of research and innovation, you will find the areas we work in and a complete picture of our scientific skills and the projects we are working on.
On behalf of our entire Department, I wish you a warm welcome.
Cristina Capineri