Seminari del corso Media Industry

Monday, May 10, 2021
Ciclo di seminari su GMeet

Seminari del corso Media Industry, corso di laurea in Public and Cultural Diplomacy, a cura della prof.ssa Rossella Rega.
Link Google Meet:


Giovedì 20 maggio, 16.00 – 18:00
"From research to advocacy: communication governance and experiential learning. The case of the University of Padua"

Special Guest Lecture: Prof. Claudia Padovani (University of Padova)


Giovedì 27 maggio, 16.00 – 18:00
"Platform governance: the case of disinformation"

Special Guest Lecture: Francesco Marrazzo, news media system researcher (AgCom)


Lunedì 31 maggio, 16.00 – 18:00
"Public and cultural diplomacy as instruments of foreign policy soft power. The case of The Netherlands"

Special Guest Lecture: Dewi van de Weerd, Deputy Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands