CISCL Research Seminars a.a. 2024 / 2025
26 febbraio (16.00/18.00) – Gabriele Ganau (University of Siena) "Linguistic complexity and animal communication: the case of dolphins"
24 febbraio (12.00/14.00) – Adriana Belletti (University of Siena) "On the complexity of a short(er) structure: The case of Reduced Relative Clauses"
3 febbraio (14.30/16.00) – Angelapia Massaro (University of Siena) “Definiteness as a phi-feature”
3 dicembre (10.15/12.00) – Pasquale Frascolla (U Naples "Federico II") “On the Foundations of the Tractatus Logical Atomism”
27 novembre (10.15/12.00) – Tue Trinh (ZAS Berlin) “Well-formedness is meaningfulness: Exploring an old idea”
29 ottobre (16.30/18.00) – Andrés Saab (with David Embick) “Ellipsis as a window on restructuring in Romance"
29 ottobre (12.00/12.30) – Andrea Marini, Università di Udine: "A characterization of Developmental Language Disorders in monolinguals and bilinguals with considerations on the neural architecture of language"
28 ottobre (16.30/18.00) – Michelle Sheehan, University of Newcastle “European Portuguese long passives: understanding the restrictions”
21 ottobre (16.30/18.00) – Chiara Cantiani, IRCCS Eugenio Medea: "The role of auditory processing in early language development: focusing on neural entrainment to rhythmic stimuli"