Blityri - Studies of the history of ideas on signs and languages

Blityri - Studies of the history of ideas on signs and languages

Directors: Stefano Gensini (Università di Roma “La Sapienza”) and Giovanni Manetti (Università di Siena), ETS, Pisa


Scientific Committee: M. Bettini (Siena), A.G. Conte (Pavia), T. De Mauro (Roma “La Sapienza”), U. Eco (Bologna), L. Formigari (Roma “La Sapienza”), D. Gambarara (Università della Calabria), I. Rosier (Paris, CNRS), G. Lepschy (Reading), F. Lo Piparo (Palermo), J. Trabant (Jacobs University Bremen).


Blityri is the first Italian magazine dedicated specialistically to the history of semiotic and linguistic theories (explicit and implicit), offering itself as a research tool and place of discussion on the themes concerning ideas on sign and language, both theoretically and historically.


A further differentiating feature of the magazine's work is given by the attention to the intertwining (always analyzed in a historical-theoretical key) between ideas and theories, on the one hand, and on the other social practices (culture, education, politics etc. .), professional and scientific (from medicine to various areas of communication, including religious) which have engaged and commit symbolic resources.


In this sense, the magazine intends to solicit and strengthen collaboration with those who, from nearby sectors (from anthropology to structural linguistics, from the history of philosophy to the history of logic, from classical philology to the history of science), see in linguistic-semiotic thought a profitable ground for philosophical inquiry.


It joins already known foreign periodicals of the sector, aiming at an ever growing articulation and international integration of research. To this end, Blityri includes in its scientific council and in the reading committee the major Italian experts in the history of ideas on language and signs, as well as qualified scholars from important European universities and research centers.


The name Blityri is an expression coined in the context of the philosophy of the Stoics language (used by them as an example to indicate a voice that has the characteristics of the articulation, but not of semanticity). His luck has been remarkable, as he has constantly taken up all subsequent studies of reflection on language, from antiquity, to the Middle Ages, until he appeared, in contemporary times, also in Leopardi's Zibaldone.